Thank you for your generous contribution to the Ronnie Mabra Foundation.   Please select the amount you would like to contribute below.











The Ronnie Mabra Foundation, Inc is a  501(c)(3) charitable service foundation.  The motivation for The Ronnie Mabra Foundation, Inc., (Corporation) came as a result of five consecutive years of supporting Hon. Ronnie Mabra (D-GA) as he graciously provided over 1,000 turkeys annually to families that are in need in the greater Atlanta area.  The experience of receiving several hundred phone calls, and several thousand registrations over the four year period made evident the necessity to do more. The turkey giveaway efforts were supported by local media, which interviewed Mr. Mabra onsite, as well as a major radio station which dispatched a popular personality each year to conduct onsite live call-ins. Affordable Healthcare Act navigators provided information and guidance regarding health insurance options and registration. The community has not only shown significant support for the undertaking, but also highly anticipate its production, by registering online within minutes of the registration page’s availability.  In addition to passing out turkeys directly, Mr. Mabra and his team provided hundreds of turkeys to the Atlanta VA Homeless Program, the Clayton County Sheriff’s Office, Church Street Elementary School, and many more community organizations and non-profits.